28/Mar 2012
By Jesús Roncero
1 min. read
Yesterday I had this surprise on flickr. I got an email from Flickr HQ saying that 5 of my photographs had been chosen by a Getty Images Editor because they think they could sell, so they’ve invited me to open an account on Getty Images with, initially, these images so that they can be sold. If they sell them you get paid a royalty. Not much, but I find this very exciting.
14/Oct 2011
By Jesús Roncero
3 min. read
I’ve had Adobe Lightroom for a few months and still I haven’t really mastered even 10% of what it can do, so now I’m on a serious mission to learn about it and use it to publish my photos on flickr, as well as organise my growing collection of photos. This post is about something I’ve just learnt which probably you already know about, or you can google around, so I’m offering this to my friends who I know follow the very few posts I write here and who occasionally use Lightroom and flickr (or not so occasionally).
26/Aug 2011
By Jesús Roncero
1 min. read
{% img center http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6085/6083475477_d1d5b875d5.jpg Starsky and Hutch %} I want one of these. Can I have one?